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Homelessness is increasing worldwide.

Men, women and children in desperate need.

We're not asking for your money.
Just your soap.

Special Focus 2024

Hope Housing East Yorkshire

This amazing charity providides  supported accommodation for the homeless.


This is dedicated to a friend who worked with the

East Yorkshire team, has fallen off the wagon but we believe in her and are rooting for her.x

Helping Bristol's Homeless

Co Founder, Jack chats with Sally from Help Bristol's Homeless about how we can help.

Wow Manchester!

Veronica held a successful

ladies coffee morning

attended by:

Chris Johnson

Julie Nelson Rhodes

Liz Lowry

Nanette Aghaeipour

Barbara Lashwood

Joan Flannery

Fiona Banks

Mary Pickup

Jane Davies

Thank you ladies for

helping to fill 8 boxes

and introducing us to

some new charities too!.

Fancy hosting a

coffee morning?

Go Chicago Go!

Anthony delivered 150 packs to charities Together We Care and South Suburban Pads who were very much in need. We hope this supports the terrific work you do!

NEW University & Colleges. Faculty & Students of marketing, Social Media and Public Relations. More details

From hoarders who collect toiletries to companies who will have a drop box - we need volunteers. More details ...

The Quran on giving
The Bible on giving
The Torah on giving

Being charitable is very strongly urged upon Muslims, so much so that the Holy Prophet Muhammad has said that on every limb of the body, doing a charitable deed is due every day, whether it is with the hands, feet, or tongue. There is no person at all who cannot do a deed of charity to others. According to the Holy Prophet, if someone has nothing to give, he should work and earn, and give out of that; if he still does not have anything to give, he should help someone in distress.


"You cannot attain to righteousness unless you spend (in charity) out of what you love." (The Holy Quran 3:92)



The bible does not think much of greed and selfishness. Christians are called to help others throughout the bible. They are asked to do it from the heart and not show off about it or do it for self promotion.


Proverbs 3:27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do it.










Vayikra 25:35: And when your brother will become poor and you will extend your hand to him.
Devarim 15:7-8: If, however, there is a needy person among you…do not harden your heart and shut your hand against your needy kinsman. Rather you must open your hand and lend him sufficient for whatever he needs.

How it started..

After being a guests at hundreds of hotels for both holidays and work we had become a self confessed hoarders of hotel toiletries which we would save for a future “you never know” event when they would surely come in handy. Jack came up with the idea after discovering several boxes full in our attic and decided that there had to be a better use. He wondered if the homeless would like them because they were small and handy. That was it! Soap4All was born!


We collect unopened and unused toiletries from anyone who will give them to us. This can be individuals sending in a jiffy bag of the toiletries from their holiday or a company with a drop box that collects toiletries from staff who travel for work. We hoard these donations and once a month ask for volunteers who gather on the floor or in a comfy café chatting over a coffee or glass of wine to organize the toiletries into small individual packets.


We are regularly reaching out to and building relationships with homeless shelters, charities, churches, temples and mosques. These organizations tell us how many packs they need monthly and we do our best to support that. We then drop off a box of Soap4All packs and those organizations distribute them to the people they support that are in need of life’s basics.

That’s it really. Pretty simple concept.


We rely on the generosity of people who agree to pop the free toiletries they get in travels into their luggage and then get them to us. Our donors give not only the toiletries, but their time to drop off or postage to send in.

This is recycling at its best.

As a tiny charity we are constantly evolving and looking for new opportunities to support our communities. During lockdown we rallied people to write letters to the elderly in care homes who were not allowed visitors. In 2022 our hearts go out to the people of the Ukraine and we are actively engaged with supporting the homeless there. 

On February 11, 2013 we received our first donation with a note inside the box saying, “To walk a thousand miles you must first take a step. My little contribution.”

So in 2015 we took our first step and haven't looked back since.


Thank you for your support.

Jack, India and Andrea Brown

​What we need:

Unopened: shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, bar soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant and ear buds. Please contact us before sending anything else.

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